Sunday, February 11, 2007

Official Confessional #1

I'm so pissed off right now. Either the team sucks right now and we need to get it together OR the mole was involved in the sabotage. Either way I'm pissed. Being honest, there are a couple of people right now that I'm not particularly fond of right now. Maybe one of them will be executed tomorrow so I don't have to worry about it so much. I'm really liking Padraig, Aaron, Brentin, and Keith right now. It's not that I don't like everyone else or that I don't suspect one of them as the mole. It's a game and as a game, it's important for me to keep playing. I'm sure some people think that my kindness is a strategy, but I want money in the frickin' pot. There are some people that are definitely making it more difficult then it should be. We will find out soon enough.

A note to the mole: Way to go on the first missions. It wasn't like you actually had to really do anything. The team wasn't nearly working well enough to thwart your plans. You just wait, we will get you. Don't you worry.

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