Sunday, April 8, 2007

Official Confessional #7

Well, either Andy or I will be going home. That much is guarenteed since Fred will get +1 on his next quiz and Padraig will get +2. I expect that if I go home it will not be because I didn't know who The Mole was, it'll be because Andy just got more right than I did. I hate saying this but I believe that Fred is my main competition right now and I would love to see him get ironically executed this round. I really don't think that he knows that so-and-so is even The Mole. He really has gotten a free ride in this game through the whole Vault thing and three exemptions that he hasn't really fought hard enough in order to win this game. If I didn't win, I'd like to see Andrew win the big shaboozie. He has played the game and has done a spectacular job doing so.

If I get executed, I still expect to collect everybody's mySpaces and facebook accounts, okay?!

In the words of Jack from Will & Grace, "Tater ta!" or "Chow mein!", take your pick.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

The End is Near...

Wow. Part of me can't believe that I've made it to the final four and part of me actually can believe the news. The interesting thing about this final four is that I have answered everyone at least once on a quiz and all of them are still here! I have thoroughly enjoyed my time playing this game.

I love ORGs. I really do. They prove that there are other crazy people out there who love reality TV so much that they want to play along. Too often, we hear about MySpace or facebook predators. (By the way, I love Dateline's How to Catch a Predator!) I can only hope to trade MySpaces and facebook addresses with my fellow players after this game is over.

I have done my best in this game and I will continue to do so. We really are at a point where money needs to be put into the group pot. I can only hope that everyone else thinks the same thing. I suspect that a game is going to be one person versus the other three and the one person will be offered an exemption. I have a hard time believing that the exemption will be as easy as some might think. This also is going to be the hardest quiz to date so I will definitely have to be extremely vigilant for any molish activity. CONSTANT VIGILANCE!

As always, I leave you with a quote from a favorite reality show of mine Flavor of Love: "New York is in the motherf^(%!~9 house!"

And so am I, Mole. So. Am. I.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Ryan Executed

HELL YEAH! This bitch is back! And I love it. In the words of Omarosa on The Surreal Life 5, "See ya!" Ryan, Ryan, Ryan. I am so excited that you were executed -- not gonna lie. Better you then me! You cost this group money in the Fun House game and then you wanna lock the doors behind you! That is effin' messed up. That kind of $#!+ is not tolerated anymore. The Mole does not want those type of people around him, let me tell you! He wants people who he believes should win the money. I feel like I'm the only honest player left in this game and I deserve it. I do remember that you were one of the first people I talked to and I will admit that I was happy to have talked to you in that one conversation. The minute that you said in your confessional that you and Mike played a similar game I figured that you would be the next one gone.

Goodbye and good luck, Ryan.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

No Money in the Pot -- again.

This group sucks. Every person in this game is a selfish bitch! To be honest, I'm not for the team anymore -- I used to be, but I've had it. Whoever The Mole is I want them to win as much money as possible. The winner of this game does not deserve it. Shit, I'd give I all the money to The Mole in order to get an exemption. It officially is a defensive game now. My goal is for the winner to win the least amount of money possible. The same strategy that The Mole uses.

If I get executed: See ya, wouldn't want to be ya!
If I survive: You better pray that I'm not given the power to neutralize every one of your asses!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


This game sucks. It just isn't fair. Fred has gotten three exemptions. Now he got something from the vault. Maybe it's my studying for finals that has me down, but this isn't The Mole that I signed up for. The Mole that I signed up for didn't have a vault, or whatever the hell it is. Or mole points. There is a part of me that's already done with the game. I'm obviously too stupid to figure out the the 3 clues together, even though I got the "change of base" clue. I feel like this game right now is tilted. And it's not fair.

Fred is the best player in this game and either The Mole or going to win, one of the two. And there's nothing I can do to stop it from happening.

The Mole. What a twisted, screwed up game. And yet, a part of me loves it. And hates it.

Mike Executed

No freakin' way! I, for one, am shocked. He dominated the first challenge with 11 correct answers and I will never forget him ditching the group for Lost. LOL! Boy, did he play well. He was one of the few people that I thought was going to be in the game for a long while, plus he was always online and ready to chat it up. I hope that he's not disappointed with the way that he played the game because he most certainly played it well. Like Keith, our group pot is going to be missing a key contributor to it. But I definitely will miss him at the Live Challenges especially.

I was totally expecting to go home this week especially considering that it is finals week over here which sucks. But I think that my strategy paid off and I'm one step closer to that grand prize. I only hope that I figure out enough stuff about The Mole in order to win the game. The Mole should be worried, very worried indeed that the person executed had a +1 advantage. I know that I'm worried.

God, Fred has had three exemptions and I haven't had one yet. Exemptions can only get you so far in this game though.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Official Confessional #5

Unfortunately, someone has to go home this round as always, and I have the virus. This isn't a kind game, rather it is ego-driven and plays upon one's insecurities. I could be going home after the quiz, but I'm gonna go in with a certain strategy. If I get it, I get it in. If not, then I'll definitely be out.

The Liar game sucked because I think that the team was trying to get me out the first round since that they knew that I really wanted an exemption. And lo and behold, of course the one person who shouldn't get one (Fred!) gets another one -- a third and now, I'm even more in trouble. I thought about not answering the post after Andy and have no one get the exemption and take 50c out of the pot, but honestly, we definitely need money in the pot.

The Elimination Auction also known as a version of Anderson's Fun House of Season 2 of The Mole, was pretty interesting. It was obvious that people definitely lied about having hard feelings concerning the Big Switcheroo game which is up to them considering that Padraig and I were eliminated first. Fred is definitely pulling most of the strings in this game -- doing a lot of wheeling and dealing. I don't know how I feel about that. I wished that it didn't happen so often. But it does. He gave me 2 Mole Points in order to counteract the -1 Quiz Point in this next quiz, so I hope that it goes alright.

Wish me luck!

Monday, March 5, 2007

Aaron Executed

Another player goes home, and then there were six. Aaron was the next to go. I saw it coming. I think that most players and The Mole know when somebody isn't onto The Mole and his doings. Aaron played a decent game. Unfortunately, I didn't see him around much so that meant he probably wasn't The Mole. And I was right about that. In fact, I didn't vote for him a single time on this last quiz which means I'm probably doing somethin' right.

Good luck to everybody this round! It should be a good one.

Official Confessional #4

Well, I'm excited that I had the opportunity to win the +2 Quiz Points! Yay for me! I'm seriously so stoked about it. I finally have developed a pretty solid strategy to this next quiz so I think I'll be sticking around as pompous as that sounds.

The Tycoon Game was tough. I knew that Fred was going to go for the exemption. Who wouldn't? It's a pretty important thing right now in the game especially since only actives can now be eliminated. My hope was to force a tie with either Padraig or Andy so that nobody would get the exemption (even though it would cost money from the pot). Nobody caught on to my scheme and Fred received a second (yes, second) exemption. What the?!

As you can see below this confessional, I apologized for costing the team $2. BUT -- I got +2 on my quiz so hey, I can't complain either. In the words of Paris Hilton, "Loves it!" (God, she is so classy.)

Friday, March 2, 2007

Trust Me

I would like to apologize for my actions during the live challenge today. I cost the team two dollars along with Padraig and it was a completely selfish move. However, I want reiterate that you cannot fully trust anybody in this game. I will admit that there a few people in this game that I feel good about not being The Mole. At the same time, would I be stupid enough to trust those people completely should an opportunity for Quiz Points or the coveted Exemption come along? Absolutely not.

We need to remember that is as much a social game as it is an individual one yet, to the two gentlemen that felt screwed over in the The Big Switcheroo Game, I apologize.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Keith Executed

No freaking way! OMG! I cannot believe he wasn't the Mole! I'm totally stunned right now. I thought for sure that I was on the right track. It goes to show you that this is a game which yields to no friend or foe. I'm shocked. To be honest, Keith was the top of my list. There are others right below him, but seriously...I stuck with him on ALL of my answers and I'm still here!

Thinking about the Package Game, he could've used that exemption -- which really sucks for him. I told everybody to look out for themselves. To quote Jim from the Mole, "We're a team and we're not a team. We're a team and we're not a team." This is a game in which someone is deceiving the rest of us and yet we want to play it off as if we're a team. I'm a little upset that nobody sees that but me. But somebody's gotta say it.

I want an exemption. Plain and simple. Keith was looking out for the team and look at where that got him in the game. Keith, thank you. Thank you for lending me the +1 Quiz Point. It may be the one that saved me from execution tonight. Good luck, bro.

Official Confessional #3 (Late)

Can I just say how disappointed I am with how this game is going? Nobody is online when I am. I didn't know that when confessionals were due and frankly, I'm up to my ass in researching violence in the graphic novel. This game is definitely more demanding than I thought it would be and I have tried to be as fun as possible with it.

Ultimately, I'm not gonna lie. I'd be disappointed if I was executed this round considering that I have tried to participate when I can. I hope that others don't peg me with Brentin and Heidi as being inactive. I have played the game as best as I could and for that I am not ashamed.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Brentin Executed

Brentin! Dude, you tried. Thanks for that one conversation that we had. I knew that you were not The Mole. Because of Brentin's execution, I have thoroughly deduced that Brentin is NOT The Mole. Therefore, only seven suspects left -- that is, if you believe that I'm not The Mole. I think that Brentin is a good guy, but ran into a vacation (what we in the states call holiday) and that of course, is the most important thing.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Official Confessional #2

Wow. I'm actually surprised about how much money we got this round. At least we broke the $2 mark which is always a good sign. I like to look at the pot by moving the decimal point 2 places to the right making it more like $5,000 dollars are up for grabs rather than just $50.00.

Brentin, Brentin, Brentin. What is it with inactive players? It's so sad. At least next week, we will know that everyone who is in the game is actually committed which will be good.

Did the Mole sabotage any of the games this round? I think so. Not to say that other players aren't actually attempting to be looked like as the Mole. Not gonna lie, I'm a little upset that Fred got the exemption. I really wanted it this round. It makes me wonder if I'm gonna have to make it through this game without an exemption -- which would be super frustrating. We'll see. At least Fred is active.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Compared to the show...

Hey there all! So we are in the midst of a challenge period and it looks as if there won't be any money put in the pot again. What the hell are people doing?! Come on, I had three midterms this week (a first for me in college) and I'm still playing the game. Being inactive is not being the mole. In fact, it's a sorry-ass strategy to get people to vote for you as being the mole. Do something to get votes. Don't just sit there like a bump on a log and then wonder why there's no money going into the pot. Arghh!

Meanwhile, I'm having issues with this game so far. The mole has had an opportunity in every game to influence the outcome. I'm not such sure if I'm a fan of this. On the show, the mole had limited opportunities to affect the monies since they were split up into group like smart versus dumb, or love to cook, hate to cook, and the indifferent groups. In this game, however the mole can affect every game. Ultimately in this game, the mole can get his way every time essentially. I don't know. I just don't know.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Heidi Executed

I know it's probably horrible to say but everyone's thinking it: GOOD RIDDANCE! I cannot believe that Heidi basically quit the game. Oh hell no! People freakin' fought to be the show and then you're going to quit. No way! S--t like that isn't right. I cannot respect anyone who takes an awesome opportunity (away from somebody else) and basically throws it away. Whatever! It really is too bad that she's gone because she definitely wasn't on my list at all. Now I really have to compete with people who don't give a damn about you or the team! If I could, I would like to move to have a new player in the game. Someone else could have totally had that position.

By the way, if you haven't noticed I speak my mind. That's what I love to do. I really like what New York from Flavor of Love at the Reunion: After the Lovin' said: "Either you love New York or you hate New York. F--k ya, if you hate me. If you love me, then I'm with you."

I'm disappointed that Padraig was "infected" this episode. He's a good player and I think that it would have made a little more sense to nominate someone who hasn't been super active. It makes me think that his infection was random.

A note for the Mole: This game has definitely gotten harder for us players to stay in the game, but your cover is slowly slipping away as the group dwindles.

Quiz Post

Hey there friends! So I just took the first quiz and I was somewhat surprised of how detailed it really was. I definitely might have to invest in a mole journal. I would be very surprised if anyone got more than 3 right on the first quiz especially because this is the first quiz. I have a few ideas about who the mole is but this is a game where if you say "______ is the mole," then everything you see in that person will "confirm" that they are the mole. Therefore it's important to keep an open mind about the mole -- that is, until the next episode.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Official Confessional #1

I'm so pissed off right now. Either the team sucks right now and we need to get it together OR the mole was involved in the sabotage. Either way I'm pissed. Being honest, there are a couple of people right now that I'm not particularly fond of right now. Maybe one of them will be executed tomorrow so I don't have to worry about it so much. I'm really liking Padraig, Aaron, Brentin, and Keith right now. It's not that I don't like everyone else or that I don't suspect one of them as the mole. It's a game and as a game, it's important for me to keep playing. I'm sure some people think that my kindness is a strategy, but I want money in the frickin' pot. There are some people that are definitely making it more difficult then it should be. We will find out soon enough.

A note to the mole: Way to go on the first missions. It wasn't like you actually had to really do anything. The team wasn't nearly working well enough to thwart your plans. You just wait, we will get you. Don't you worry.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

What have I gotten myself into?

Hey there, players, mole, and audience! I'm a little worried to be honest. 1) I won't be blogging like this all the time. 2) What have I gotten myself into? I never see anybody online besides Ryan and Mike, which is cool but I really want to get to know the players. Not even because of the quiz, but because ORGs are ways to meet people. Safe, friendly ways to meet others like yourself who love a good challenge. Tonight, I am hopefully going to finish my blog so that I can make it more like me -- whatever that means. By the way, I'm not putting it past myself to ask the public for help concerning who ya'll think the mole is. Let me know.

Another note for the Mole: Please don't sign into my AIM account. I find it extremely pervasive and rude. Oh're the Mole.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

The game begins...

So we played our first game. Well, Padraig, Aaron, Mike and I played the first game. Unfortunately, we lost. We got a significant amount of the questions right but it just wasn't enough to win the game. Mike was the smartest one on the team and then had to go watch Lost, which I was a little put off by, but to each his own I guess. This game is definitely going to be harder than I thought. I have my own suspicions about who the Mole is, if they are in this group or not. It'd be really fair if the mole was in the game tonight but who knows. I don't. The first quiz is gonna suck -- especially if I go home first. I really was looking for an opportunity to talk to and meet everyone, that may not happen though especially since my AIM doesn't work.

My note to the Mole: Play nicely. A little sabotage here and little sabotage there will go far. There's no reason to be cruel about it. I still love ya!

find the mole

Online Mole Challenge!